Q: Why drug test?
A: Drug abuse in the workplace increases the chance for an accident. There is more absenteeism, lower productivity and higher insurance costs. Testing for drugs filters out drug users from the workforce as well as deterring drug use within it.
Q: Can you come to my residence to do my drug test?
A: Our collectors can only meet at a public location with a bathroom for donor privacy. Places we will not test at are trailer cabins, private residence and only breath alcohol tests can be done at the scene of an accident. A restroom must be available. We CAN meet at rest stops, hospitals, restaurants or your place of employment.
Q: Can a urine drug test be beaten or adulterated?
A: Urine testing is not foolproof. The major labs that are used-Alere, Quest Diagnostics, LabCorp, and MedTox- help ensure the integrity of the test by measuring pH, creatinine and specific gravity (when indicated) and testing for adulterants that may be added to the urine specimen. All "invalid results" are automatically tested twice to ensure accuracy.
Q: How much does an onsite drug test cost?
A: The cost of an onsite drug test will vary based upon volume and what type of test ordered. Please contact an RDT representative for more information at: 734-531-7611.